Master Replicas LE Jack Sparrow Sword Replica Pirates of the Caribbean MR

1:1 Scale – Captain Jack Sparrow Sword as seen in. Pirates of the Caribbean : Dead Man’s Chest. This realistic 29 inch collectible prop replica captures the amazing. Details Master Replicas is famous for producing. Historically accurate single edge. Cutlass recreation is crafted in metal with detailed weathering effects that capture character of the weapon carried on screen by Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow in Walt Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean films. This replica has an authentic forged steel finished blade and dark finish metal pommel and guard with a leather wrapped grip. The prop comes with its own fabric backed and ornately carved resin frame and metal etched display plaque. Authenticity from Master Replicas and Walt Disney Showcase Collection is included. Item Edition Number: 0638/3000. Product Dimensions: 16″ x 42″ x 3. This is NOT A REAL WEAPON

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Master Replicas LE Jack Sparrow Flintlock Replica Pirates of the Caribbean MR

1:1 Scale – Captain Jack Sparrow Flintlock as seen in. Pirates of the Caribbean : Dead Man’s Chest. This is realistic 13 inch collectible prop replica captures the amazing. Details Master Replicas is famous for producing. This 1:1 scale. Non-working and solid flintlock recreation is crafted in a dense resin with detailed paint and weathering effects that capture intricate details of the weapon carried on screen by Johnny Depp’s character of Captain Jack Sparrow in Walt Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean films. Is hand painted and finished to exacting standards and dressed with screen accurate etched details. The prop comes with its own fabric backed and ornately carved resin frame and metal etched display plaque. Authenticity from Master Replicas and Walt Disney Showcase Collection is included. Item Edition Number: 0107/3000. Product Dimensions: 17″ x 20″ x 3. This is NOT

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