OVER 1,000 MINUTES OF MOVIE MAGIC!! THE ONLY ONE ON. And DIRECTLY from the. NEVER BEEN INSIDE A STORE HANDLED BY CUSTOMERS! PIRATES of the CARRIBEAN. Includes BLU-RAY & DVD. BLU-RAY + DVD + ACTIVE DIGITAL CODE. JUST OPENED FROM DVD STORAGE ROOM. Temperature Controlled/Face Up in Original Box. NEVER HANDLED OR DROPPED BY CUSTOMERS. Inform ALL FIVE MOVIES & EXTRA 3D DISC!! MINT CONDITION ORIGINAL BOX AS SHOWN IN PHOTOS. MINT STEELBOOKS HAVE NEVER BEEN OPENED. No Discs are Loose or SCRATCHED! PHOTOS 17 & 18 SHOWS HOW THE FANCY PIRATE DISC HOLDER. SECURING ALL DISCS TO AVOID SCRATCHING!! The Cardboard Box is. CAME DIRECTLY FROM THE. KEPT IN A TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED DVD CLOSET. SO THERE ARE NO PROBLEMS WATCHING. THE EXCLUSIVE SPECIAL FEATURES WE. SO YOU CAN WATCH STEELBOOK BONUS FEATURES. WITHOUT THE PROBLEMS OF MULTI-REGION PLAYERS. The difference between the original DVD movie and the. With exceptionally sharp picture quality and vivid colors with a minimal amount of artifacting. Features HDR FOR BRIGHTER, DEEPER, MORE LIFELIKE. C O L O R S. Every aspect of the movie was done over for superior visual and sound. And as a personal Steelbook collector I HATE when the DVD comes loose. Inside the steelbook, with THIS ONE you’re getting PERFECT. ULTRA HIGH DEFINITION & RESOLUTION. FOR BRIGHTER, DEEPER, MORE LIFELIKE. FULL SOUNDTRACKS IN THREE LANGUAGES. ENGLISH DTS-HIGH DEFINITION MASTER AUDIO 5.1. SPANISH & FRENCH in DOLBY DIGITAL 5.1. SUBTITLES: English, Spanish, French. FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED. Subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing, as well as SENIOR VIEWING. These subtitles assume the end user cannot hear the dialogue and include important non-dialogue information such as sound effects, music, and speaker identification. Standard subtitles assume the viewer hears the audio. SDH is written in a format that understands that the viewer may not be able to hear the audio so it adds information about background sounds and who is speaking along with a translation of the script. INCLUDES BLU-R AY HIGH DEFINITION. 2.39:1 1080p HIGH-DEFINITON Widescreen. And BUBBLE WRAP BOX!! THE SOLE AND ONLY WAY TO ENSURE YOUR STEELBOOK STAYS MINT!!! OTHERS CHARGE, BUT USE A BUBBLE WRAP ENVELOPE! MADE FROM THE ORIGINAL. FILM AND AUDIO MASTER SOUNDTRACK!! Every aspect of the film was done over for superior visual and sound. And with THIS ONE, you’re getting a. PERFECT NEW VALUABLE PLASTIC PIRATE’S CHEST. TO KEEP ITS VALUE + a. With a 100% guarantee. ORIGINAL MOVIE MASTER COPY. FOR MORE DETAIL, BRIGHTNESS. 10% GOES TO SAVE PETS. FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD!! (SEE THE CHARITY INFO BELOW). The checkered past of Capt. Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) catches up to him when he encounters Angelica (Penélope Cruz), a beautiful pirate that Jack once loved then left. Accompanied by a zombie crew, the trio sets sail to find the legendary Fountain of Youth. THE CURSE OF THE BLACK PEARL. The pirates kidnap the governor’s daughter, Elizabeth (Keira Knightley), who’s in possession of a valuable coin that is linked to a curse that has transformed the pirates into the undead. A gallant blacksmith (Orlando Bloom) in love with Elizabeth allies with Sparrow in pursuit of the pirates. DEAD MAN’S CHEST. When ghostly pirate Davy Jones (Bill Nighy) comes to collect a blood debt, Capt. Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) must find a way to avoid his fate lest his soul be damned for all time. Nevertheless, the wily ghost manages to interrupt the wedding plans of Jack’s friends Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) and Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley). AT WORLD’S END. Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) and Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley) join forces with Capt. Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) to free Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) from Davy Jones’ locker. The friends must navigate dangerous waters to confront Chinese pirate Sao Feng (Chow Yun-Fat) and, ultimately, they must choose sides in a battle wherein the pirate life hangs in the balance. EVERY FILM HAS ALL THE ORIGINAL SPECIAL/BONUS FEATURES. 50 HOURS, but this special collection includes a. Made exclusively for this rare COLLECTOR’S STUNNING CHEST filled with. REPLICA PIRATE’S CHEST COLLECTION INFORMATION. Brand New: An item that has never been opened or removed from the. English, English SDH, Spanish, French. BLU-RAY/DVD/ACTIVE DIGITAL 8-FILM NUMBERED STEELBOOK COLLECTION. Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, Maggie Smith, Alan Rickman, Ralph Fiennes, Gary Oldman, David Thewlis, Warwick Davis, Michael Gambon, Richard Harris, Robbie Coltrane, Matthew Lewis, Tom Felton, Helena Bonham Carter. Commentary, Deleted Scenes, Storyboarding, Making of, Featurettes, Trailers, Filmmakers Diaries. Fantasy, Magic, Coming of Age. Chris Columbus, Alfonso Curan, David Yates, Mike Newell. OVER 1,000 MINUTES OF MOVIE MAGIC. Harry Potter Film Series. Special Edition NUMBERED 8-Film MINT Steelbook Collection. David Heyman, Mark Radcliffe, Chris Columbus, J. Action, Children & Family, Adventure. 13 and allowed one F-bomb. The Curse of the Black Pearl is rated. 13 by the MPAA for action/adventure violence. Due to the degree of horror, the supernatural themes and the level of violence in this film. It is not suitable for children under the age of twelve years. This movie is likely to be appealing to children, particularly boys, in this age group. The films are not especially graphic but does feature things like an undead pirate crew. That may be disturbing to some kids. There are revealing bodices and mild sexual references. (not explicit and showing no nudity or sexual situations). Parents need to know that Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest. Contains a lot of peril and action-violence. Characters are shot at, chased, dragged, trampled, rolled down hills. And nearly roasted over an open fire. A severed beating heart is shown in a box. THIS ONE IS MINT PLASTIC WRAPPED AT THE WAREHOUSE. AND THE DISCS ARE SECURELY ATTACHED. A TEMPERATIURE CONTROLLED DVD CLOSET. We are a non-profit, No-Kill 501(c)(3) dog rescue organization that saves dogs from the meat trade, puppy mills, and high-kill shelters in South Korea. We transport these dogs to the United States and find loving forever homes for them. In the process, we are able to spread awareness about the brutal dog meat trade FROM OTHER COUNTRIES and be a voice for the voiceless dogs that are still suffering. This four-movie collection will be covered in bubble wrap and then surrounded by cardboard to avoid tears in the plastic or dents cardboard or plastic chest, and so there are no scrapes or scratches. It will be sent in a. To prevent internal and external pressure and movement from damaging the limited edition four-movie collection, and even the internal discs and holder are secure in this packing. The packing materials are shown in the photos above, but. Of cardboard may also be used to keep the pirate’s chest and disc holder secured. ALL SIX SIDES OF THE BOX WILL HAVE A. FRAGILE: Handle with Care. Cut the tape on the box, removed the packing, WHEN YOU REACH THE TWO LAYERS OF BUBBLE WRAP and CARDBOARD SURROUNDING THE 15-DISC COLLECTION. ONLY CUT THE TAPE. NOT THE BUBBLE WRAP, so you don’t tear the PLASTIC SEAL, SCRATCH THE PIRATE’S CHEST, OR LOOSEN THE DISCS. Is guaranteed to be as pictured and described. Please contact me if you have any questions about.